Wednesday, July 29, 2009

++395 the one who dunno what married is?

i've been meaning to write this entry for quite some attemp actually, tp, adalah tehenti ditgh2 berpikir, kerana takut menyinggung mana mana pihak.

people, not only once, not only twice, but almost trillion times have been asking the same very question, that, u sure know. "When am i going to get married."
that, i dont bother sgt lah kot (kdg2 mcm buat bodo sudeyyy).
butt, precisely then, came this 2nd top off question above that later question, which is, "kau dan atuk tu bile nak kawen"

for fast, i think only one, people has been meaning to know when we'll be breaking up (again). because we broke off like what? 888times?
why people want to exactly know when we'll be getting married?
are they 'muak' melihat kami? or they are already tired of all the dramas in our life? or simply because they tak sabar nk dengar kitorg break?

i dunno why i felt emo this time that i dare to write this one out.
tp, adalah rasa terhina sometimes.
especially when people are judging. ofkosss, i, too, was being all curious of when will we get married, but then, adakah wajib apabila kita telah bersama berdua kesana kemari berdua utk akhirnya berkahwin berdua?
ofkosssssssss, i wanted to marry him. if he ever propose.
tapi, dont lah put the pressure on my shoulder by questioning about us, sometimes, about the religion tuh sume.
poning la kopalo ayo ni aaa.
kdg2 rase malu dgn soalan2 mcm tu. its like people are laughing at me, like people are trying to prove to me that we will never gonna work out. that we wont succeed in whatever we are trying to accomplish.
its not like they were asking the man, ask me buat ape?

ah kalo kawen, kawen. kalo x kawen, kite beli dildo je nanti.
(*tak tak, tu ayat tu tipu, aku nak kawen! ok! nak ade anak nak ade femili!)

currently listening to:colbie callait - bubbly
currently feeling:ashamed
i wanna be:


melloyz said...

hahah .. penat aku type comment tapi error lak. try to reword everything back :p. btw aku rasa ko kena positive thinking ... jen le rasa diorang tanya pasal nak ko break etc..just think that they asked you because they care. kalau tanya lebih2 .. ko kasik no tepon atuk and suruh dia tanya atuk sendiri.. kalu x paham gak x tau le.

videLcute said...

imah: nampak sgt komen ko x disukai oleh blogspot sampai jadi error:D
im tired of positive thinking actually, sometimes, they question quite obviously sarcastic.
mcm, hello, korg kan da lame becinte, bile nak kawen? ke atuk tu nak main2kan ko je???
watevalah kan.

naiza said...

ke diorang sebenarnye tak sabar nak gi kenduri korang?

aku tak sabar gak nak gi kenduri ko cpah.. tak kisah la ngan sapa pun.. yang penting ko happy..

tak sabar nak gi kenduri ko gak imah.. huhu

apa2pun aku agree.. patut tanya atuk.. bukan ko..

wawie said...

omg chepah..aku juga penah tanya ko soalan yg sama. I'm soriiii! Tp intention aku ialah nak bajet, bilakah masanya ko nak tinggalkan aku dlm club single n searching ni, supaya aku leh sedia utk tidak menggelabah sbb ko dah nak kawin. hehe.

videLcute said...

naiza: hehehe. aku ponnnn x sabar nak gi kenduri aku :D:D dan kenduri imah. mcm x dpt bayangkan.. Hehuhu.

wawie: ahahaha. yg mmg ok tuh, ok lah bertanye kot, nih, yg aku benci nih ialah bile org buat sarcastic smirk bile time tanye tuh, mcm "hellooo, gamba terlampa korg mcm menunjuk2 disanesini like over duh, tp, bile nak kawen duh?" hehehe.
and... dunweri dunweri, kite single-ladies kawen same same secare ramai2 nak nanti? kat stadium or samting. jimat ongkos.

owwek said...

takut nk komen...aku membayangkan ko hangin mcm naga kuar asap hins hins..heheh

videLcute said...

owwe: haha:D:D takot tak dgn aku? :D :D...