Sunday, May 22, 2011


Have you ever found your old journal/old emails/etc & looked through it thinking, "Wow, was I dumb..."?
Twuffer • 22/05/2011 10:30


owwek said...

like everytime aku kene kemas bilik :D....but i'm glad i wrote something back then....boleh gelakkan diri sendiri.....i wish i have a blog like korg.....boleh gelak balik 10 thn akan datang?....hehehe

videLcute said...

owwe aku rase your case is considered essential utk ade blog, ko kene tulis every perkembangan anak2. hehehe. takesahla kalo ko x publickan ke ape, every single sweet thing diorg buat, tulisla.
*aku rase aku kene buat kalo aku ade anak, sbb aku pelupe.