Thursday, February 14, 2013

++the one with that fan

i think this one deserve an entry in my blog

during the new year eve, when i joined farina and sheilagank (a group of sheila on7 die hard fans in malaysia) melepak2 with sheila on 7 at the hotel lobby & mamak nearby, i got to know some of other sheilagank there.
(actually just set my eyes only, no really proper introduction or whatnot happened pon rasenye, just few names je kot)
there were these few bunch of girls and also guys.
but mostly girls, ofcourse.
literally. gitu2 je lah.

so recently when i went back hometown for my cousin's wedding, my home was being the 'rumah bertanggah'.
*rumah bertanggah - rumah dimana pihak pengantin yg nk dtg tuh, tumpang bersiap sebelom pergi kerumah pengantin yg dikahwininya itu. (aku harap org yg tatau, paaham ayat kap lam ya nga aku ni)
so, ok lah. my home tuh mmg normal sgt jadi rumah bertanggah oleh sedara mara dekat sbb selesa kot.
my mom dah warn awal2 suruh bangun awal. being me, hnm, ko rase aku bgn awal ke?
ofcourse awal but aku tido balik semula lepas breakfast hehehe..
before 10am dah ade org kasi salam, so, i guess pengantin dah sampai..
when i went out, they were not the pengantin dan kakak mekap, but 2 photographers being ready to shoot pengantin bermekap.
alamak alamak.
me with my kaftan and rambut mengerbang2, belum mandi.
*menangis di sudut bilik*
dahla bilik air kat dapor, aku tepakse berlari dari bilik ke bilik air tuh sbb malu.
siap tak tengok sgt ni muke depa, pemalu kekdahnye.
bila dah siap mandi pakai baju sume, pengantin dah tgh bersiap at my sis's room.
so, mcm biase aku suke nak belagak mcm suke sgt amek2 gamba ni, i went to that room, usha2...
barulah dpt tgk secara terang muke kedua dua photographers tadi.
dan disitulah aku terlopong.
mamat konsert sheila on 7!
dia pon teruja ni. heyyyy! mmg duduk sini ke?
aku pon ceritalah tuh rumah mak aku, aku dok kl keje kl sume tu, camne leh gi lepak sekali arituh tuh.


begitulah sesi kemaluan di kampung tempohari.

sekian. wassalam

ps: mamat itu muda remaja remaji. jgn bimbang, aku blom nak cougar sgt lagi. kot. yet.

currently listening to:cobalah mengerti - momo geisha
currently feeling:sad
i wanna be:a supermodel

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