Friday, March 11, 2011

++alcohol vs drugs

for me,
lebih baik terlibat dgn org yg minum alkohol
terlibat dgn org yg berkecimpung dgn dadah
(especially the processed ones, weed boleh dimaafkan hehehe)

well, of course i dont want to be involved with any of those two.
both are addictive.


u say?

currently listening to:camelia rindu padanya
currently feeling: lega
i wanna be:rich!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Sue Suzy said...

bg aku dadah kot.. sbb alcoholic biasanya ada sex bebas. sbb alcoholic biasanya social adn golongan terpelajar/berjaya. kalau dadah, tak semua yg socialize.. mat pet pn bleh isap dadah gak