Thursday, November 15, 2007

++143 the one with the xrays

A - AVAILABLE? : swinger
B - BEST SPORT? : galah panjang. tengteng. badminton dajah 4 mase kite menang tomes-kap dulu. skrg dah tua dah malas dah nak main2 nih. baik main bende lain. main online game maksud saye.
C - CRUSH? : atuk
D - DOGS NAME? : dont hv & cannot hv. if happen to hv, wd like to name it 'kuchiki-kun'
E - EASIEST PPL TO TALK TO : about anything? sumtimes oag, sumtimes eja, sumtimes lely. most of times wd be atuk kot.
F- FAV. COLOR? : from pink to blue shades, all in between.
H - HOMETOWN? : kolo pil4h
I - INDUSTRY?: hehe slambe aku tuka. telecommunications/engineering
K- KIND OF MUSIC? : alternative rock
L - LAST THING U ATE? : bihun ratna @ lemongrass, DP
M - MILK FLAVOR? : choc/strawbery
O - ONE WISH : semuge saye jadik kayeraye&kurus tanpe usaha :D kohkohkohhhh
P - PHOBIA/FEARS : snakes, anything reptiles and wormy.
Q - FAVOURITE QUOTE? : 'everybody's beautiful on their own special way'
R - REASON TO SMILE? : as simple as a tiny morningkiss from love-one/s.
S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD? : hey there delilah henfon kak4nn.
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP TODAY? : 8.16am, mengikut henfon nih sbb tu last miscall from amy.
U - UNKNOWN FACTS ABOUT ME? : i think i made everything known, for the fact that i am very visible. kot. anddd, if i add one more, there's no unknown facts anymore kan.
V - VEGETABLE YOU DONT LIKE? : most of the green vege.
W - WORST HABIT? : penyakit rahsia di waktu malam. [if u happen to write the habit in my comment box, i'll kick your ass ye kwn2.]
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD? : ssp, um, 1stjob, surr3y, so they were 4.
Y - YUMMY FOOD : ciken rice and sekelet kek and ciskek and atuk ops silap, and byk lagi.
Z - ZODIAC/ASTROLOGY SIGN? : capri-korn.

currently listening to: switchfoot - on fire
currently feeling: sleepy
i wanna be: a supermodel and a millionaire in a row.

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