Wednesday, April 14, 2010

++the one with tudung munawarah

gamba hiasan from

one of the bosses chitchatting with kakak sebelah meja saya ni (who had been as secretary to many bosses before this) just now about how he had to waited for his wife bersiap2 pakai tudung everymorning..
u know the typical lipatkan tudung, with symmetrical muncung depan yg tidak karipap, hembus gune mulot sendiri kasi muncung tuh naik and brooch with the same color of the clothes.
and then he said thanx for the invention of tudung menawarah (arianni tudung, tudung yg sarung je tuh, kain lycra with muncung dah siap ade kadbod tuh).

"of all the things happen, i respected 2 thing. 1st one is the thumbdrive, 2nd one is tudung munawarah. no more *insert adegan isteri betol2kan tudung secare hembus2 & gosok2 guna jari supaye tak karipap tuh*"
or so he said.

hahaha, bengong.

*and me, for that latter matter, havent yet stop using those bawal scarf. masih belom terpanggil utk memakai tudung alala arianni tuh sume, mbe someday, maybe..
he said "dia ni lain, dia kat luar lain"
ohno! damn the facebook!
currently listening to:wali band baik2 sayang lagi???
currently feeling: curious
i wanna be:a hero


A.F.A. said...

ai suka tudung munawwarah..jum pakai..senang&cepat!!..hihihi

Sue Suzy said...

tudung awning la cikpah oii.. takyah la ko describe pjg2..