Monday, April 2, 2007

++054 the old and dangerous

our boss-Mr.L, and his son-Mr.J, both are the biggest shareholder in the company.
laswik, while having company lunch at coc0mo [sebelah fr3nster cafe], Mr.J the son [my age] brought along his gf. but after 2-3mins, they together went out and i think i heard them saying to have lunch at fr3nster cafe lah.
and when Mrs.Jack asked Mr.L 'eyy, why your son go out lah?'
Mr.L can only answered 'i dunno'.
Now, Mr.D [bigger than Mr.L] gelak sakan and said 'haha, now, he really represent us during our younger time'.

eh, tak paham ke ape aku nak citer ek? :D

my bosses baru sedar diri diorg dah tua kot. and now, they really felt what their older father once felt dulu2 mase diorg memuda kot.

ok. takpelah kalo tak paham. but their dialog somehow mengusik hati ku.

sekian, lihatlah gamba yg tidak semberapa inis:and yupp, we conquer the whole kedai.

currently listening to:noni af5 - ode to my family.
currently feeling:i love the cranberries.
i wanna go swimming.

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