Monday, July 16, 2007

++093 the one with the terowong

adakah terowong mase memule start movie harry potter tuh, yg harry telah menggunakan kuase magic nye utk membunoh makhlok tuh adalah terowong drpd uni S utk ke tesco???
dia mcm familiar, the fact that harry's address is in surr3y selepas itu telah lagi menaikkan kemusykilan kuh.

semua org ckp harrypotter:order of the phoenix ialah mendukacitakan/membosankan. tapi, aku rase mcm ok pulak kehkehkehhh, sengalnye aku nih.

update: salah! itu bukanlah terowong yg kite gunekan utk ke tesco, harap makloman.

on another notes, i had this discussion with mrs.e on people's perception towards org2 yg nak berkahwin dgn mualaf, somebody sarcastic is asking on how some not-alim people nak membimbing a mualaf spouse..

kuchikirukia (7/16/2007 5:27:33 PM): cemane nak kasi org2 ortodox ni open minded skek aa
lelitot (7/16/2007 5:28:26 PM): kalau nak kira alim ke apa ke.. takkan org2 yg camtu je bleh nak kawin mualaf ni
lelitot (7/16/2007 5:28:56 PM): lagipun sume org pun ada lebih n kurang dia ek
lelitot (7/16/2007 5:29:16 PM): kira cam sama2 lah blaja n bimbing pun kan
lelitot (7/16/2007 5:29:52 PM): sama gak kalau nak tegur org lain buat salah... nak tunggu org yg perfect baru boleh tegur.. sampai bila pun takde kan
lelitot (7/16/2007 5:30:08 PM): so.. sama2 lah kena jaga
lelitot (7/16/2007 5:30:14 PM): [boleh ke ckp camtu]
lelitot (7/16/2007 5:30:18 PM): ah ah ah
kuchikirukia (7/16/2007 5:34:00 PM): auwwww
kuchikirukia (7/16/2007 5:34:10 PM): baguslah yuh nih

with that, i loveeeeeeeeeeee yuh lailyyyyyyyyyy, sbg balasannye, i sudi menemankan yuh menjadik pasokan sorak futsal hasben yuh wiken nih [ini hanyelah janji kosong kerana ai sudah ade janjitemu lain :-"]
currently listening to:james morrison - u give me something
currently feeling:lapar :D
i wanna be:a supermodel

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