Thursday, September 13, 2007

++121 the one who complains

1. our pr0tel license is expired. im stuck. i mean my work.

2. people are currently addicted to facebook, and i dont want to be left behind. but thing is, i dont understand that system. and, i dont know yet where it goes, im not addicted yet, but i tried to, by spanking people, by adding application here and there, by biting, by bermcm2 lagilah. sorry people if i tried too much, that it finally annoyed you. [knowing me, if people invited me to join something, i'll simply join, and if the time is right, i will simply cater all those necessory information without complains. ]
well, maybe later i'll get addicted, or maybe later i'll enjoy that thing, but for now i felt like it was a waste of time. ke caner?
*reminder: i always change my mind about something, especially something that i just started off*
**baru add: shyt, nampaknya i telah terjebak dan semakin terjebak lebih jauh. no wonder 'membuangmase' is my middle name. duh.

3. manjalara : hehh, ok, first off, dont make that look about people who watch malay drama ok. oklah, mmg agak sengal jugak ah sbb tgk malay drama, but, im a bit addicted to this one hehehe. lantakla ko nak gelakkan ke apeke.
at first i watched the few episodes simply because niesa berlakon, so, mcm nak tgk ah dia kan.
2ndly, because we accompanied niesa to one of the shooting [part manja salin baju kat fitting room satu ketika dahulu]. the day when i get all puked out to see gelagat pasangan sedang bercinta 'u know who' tuh at the set.
3rdly, after one episode, it led to another, and then i cant stop. hehehe.
4th, i likeeeeeeeeeee zaza. zaza u rawk laaaa. ai sgt suke abby abadi in this drama. she is so gedik and funny that i like her that way.
and finally, because most of the location is around my office and my home area. :D

4. sahara ialah setan gondol. ya allah, jauhkanlah aku drpd perempuan seperti itu. amin.

5. one of the ring is broken into pieces. terjatuh di bilik air. the red ring. atuk said, that is 'wealth ring'. huhuhu, adakah saya akan bankrap dlm usia yg muda jelita inih?
*my another ring, the black ring, is 'success ring'*

6. u have something to say to me, but u dont know how to say it? write me an email la bongok.
i hate people who suke sorok sorok. bongok mcm keldai.. do you love doing sorok2 thing hah?

currently listening to: padi - semua tak sama
currently missing atuk mcm nak mampos
i wanna puasa cukup sebulan dan tidak period ditgh jalan 8-x


Anonymous said...

selamat berpuase bukkk... harap maafkan segala salah dan silappp

mynameislina said...

Hohohohoho cam nih kah namanya blom addicted dgr facebook...kalau btol addicted tak tak la camner yer che pah?


videLcute said...

waniey:selamat berpuase too:D

lina:yer lina, tidakkah anda nampak additional notes disituh? ahahaha, semakin terjebak, dan suke bermain2 dgn sitompok ituh =))

Anonymous said...

bolan pose ko taknak jd supermodel eh..?