habis 500,000 sesia. damn it.
2. but all of us were back in piece, thats more than what we asked for, no food poisoning, no extra luggage weight, no demam nor diarrhea, no one fall in love with bandungians hahaha, and today all of us started working. as lazy as garfield.
3. many of them locals thought i was one of them, they said i looks like org bandung. grrrr. one of them, asked if i stayed at some place sounds like 'Kay ell', i thought he was mentioning KL, rupa2nya ade sebuah tempat di bandung itu namanya kay ell, and i said yes, and then baru sedar he was referring to this bandung place and duhh.
4. most of them thought all of us are students. as usual.
5. it was almost funny when we decided and very long to taste the bandung ever famous satay dan jalan jauh giler babi to search for this particular 'gedung satay' at the end of riau road, to finally find out that this gedung satay ialah bangunan parlimen! hancur berkecai giler harapan yg sungguh lapar.
6. jalan riau and jalan dago are 2 famous road for factory outlets, u have to wear proper shoes so your feet wont hurt. rumah mode at jalan setiabudi too. this rumah mode looks or feels like harrods, for me. as much as i wanted to spend at these factory outlets, but, i think, they failed on me. byk bende aku idam2 tidak mencapai matlamat sebenar.
7. if u are to shop for your wedding/s, go to pasar barou first. take note that kain2 & telekong lebih murah di lantai 2 [they called 2nd floor as lantai 2]. pasar barou is a crazy market, any girls would go scream 'defisit!!!' here. imah spend rm1000 at this place alone, ops, she spend more than that here. rm1k = 2.66 juta rupiah donk. omg imah!
8. will add more points for my future references.
9. on top of that, we learn alot of many new words. hoh hoh hohhh.
seperti ini:
ahahahahahaha.kencangkan sabuk pengaman. u know whats the meaning? maksodnye: fasten your seat belt! omg kan.
this is our hotel apartment.
view from the hotel
gedung satay
heritage factory outlet, our very first spending.
dah penat jalan2 kat jalan riau, pekene teh botol & mie bakso. sodap, tp, cpt muak kot.
tunggu angkut angkut.. knon.
braga city walk, where our hotel at..
semua jalan disekitar bandung ialah susah giler babi utk dilintasi. kereta laju, tak mematuhi isyarat, dan sokmo takde trefiklite lah kirenye.
murah giler wajib pergi.
hotel breakfast yg ok lah kot..

me and oa depan 'rumah mode'
oa n sue depan rumah mode
around rumah mode
toilet rumah mode:D
akhirnye, dpt gak makan satay bandung. sedap. tapi sedap biase.
pagi ahad, after breakfast, nak gi airport.
lameeeeee giler pintu airport nak bukak, flight kol 10.30, pintu bukak kol 9pagi. kol bape nak check in kan??
imah ketidoran..
pastu pintu imigrasi bukak kol 10.30??? flight kol 10.35 woiiiii..
i had nasi kuning in the plane. sedap, tp sikit. mcm celah gigi je. :D
we reach lcct around 2.30pm waktu malaysia. atuk fetch me, and then we eat2 at padi house at cyberjaya.
sekian, laporan param.
currently listening to:sixth sense - tak bisa memilihmu
currently feeling:guilty
i wanna be:a supermodel!~
kencangkan sabuk pengaman
ahahaha..gile bongok perkataan itu...boley ketawa terbahak2
sedapppnye bakso...kepingin gue..huhu..
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