Thursday, May 5, 2011

++alhamdulillah 3rd part

alhamdulillah, received the letter. syukran Allah!

this time around, a year ago, i received a heartache.
broke up with mr xyz, and then the company didnot converting me, merely at the same week.
i was a mess. imagine suffering heartbroken, and received the sad news about the work.
thats why i always mentioned the humdrum of 2010. bad luck year!
i started unforeseen regime. hang out with the old shaitans. and also became prejudice of all the people all the way thru.
most of the time, i choose not to go out. i was feeling down and feeling really2 small, and insecure and in-confident. those sinking days.

yesterday, when i received the letter (altho expected)
i felt like a small child again. i felt like walking on the cloud when i took the lift down from level 17.
i would have hug anybody, god i am shy. so i hug u.
nasibaik gaji dah habis, ifnot, i would belanja all the people walking on the street that time. hehe.

and so the journey to find the right place to buy has begin.
oh my, it was such a hard time.
one place is cozy, the price is shit. another one is cheap, but it was in the middle of hawker's stalls. pening kepala.

and i have the low budget of 250k loan amount approval only. aiyark. slowing down the whole processes.

currently listening to:jessie j feat bob - pricetag
currently feeling:happy
i wanna be:a supermodel


owwek said...

you are buying a house ke cpah?....kasik tau aku kalau2 ade area2 yg up and coming around kl?....been looking for a house since kejauhan nih amat la susah kan nk tgk2.....:D

videLcute said...

yes owwe! actively searching (if incase ko tatau, zhaf & xyz pon turut terlibat).. if u notice, zhaf ade shared a link kat fb wall aku, aku rase 88% nak go for it. takoottttt..

area2 yg up still mutiara damansara / perdana bagi aku, but then, aku tak mampoooooo :(, rumah ko tu owwe, dah nak dekat setengah juta agaknye kot! hot demng!

so utk kemurahan, aku rase tepakse ganjakkan radius pencarian aku ke kota damansara / damai / sometimes even kepong yg jinjang ittew pon aku usha :(

sedih sbb semua rumah dah mahal2, plus, susah giler nak carik freehold!!!

owwek said...

umah aku pon leasehold cpah.....mmgla ideally nak makin susahlah nk dpt....iyeke rumah kat situ nak setgh juta gak....yahooo akak kayoooo!!....hahaha....dulu time aku beli mane ade ape2 kat situ cpah....hutan belantara tropika aje....time aku beli dulu pon aku dah menyumpah rase mahal nak mamposs, dahla kat tgh2 hutan.....ade yg adik aku tgk kat tropicana tuh mcm ok gak .....ko tak minat ke?.....aku mcm nk jual kat dp tuh sayang lah plak, sbb konon2 dah jadik mcm kawasan2 hip utk young professional gitu kalau setgh juta menarik gak weh.......

owwek said...

eh sape xyz seh?....aku kenal ke?

videLcute said...

xyz=ex bf
wahhh rumah ko kat DP tu leasehold ke? mati2 aku ingat itu freehold..
jgn jual wehh, sewakan je sampai lebam.. sayang... in 10years time who knows harga dia sejuta, wooooooooot!!! tu bape sqft ek?

ape yg kt tropicana tu ek? dia xde bgtau pong, yg palm spring tu ke? aku xbleh beli rumah 2nd hand sbb x mampu nak kluarkan 10%d/payment...
aku mmg cari yg from developer je ni sbb ade 7% bumi discount.. mostly bayar less than 3k je utk book/dpayment... hehehe...