Thursday, October 18, 2012

++the one with Ldp

This is typing on ldp in a massive traffic jam.
Gonna see how long this one goes.
Pfcourse slowly and with typos.
I know rite, bahayanya!
But im bored.
For a start, lets talk or let only me talk, about reading.
How many books do u read in a month?
Or in a year?
Not in 10years :(
Made me felt dumb.
For instance, try ask me any simple maths equation.
My reflex is sooooo slow.
(Boss called just now, minus 5 minutes)
Ha ya, responses towards bosses' quests are also decreasing in terms of intelligent quick replies. I cant do that arrogant smirk anymore.

Main problem is, my lack of interest in reading, i dunno when it started but this is something that messed up the brain activity.
Atleast, if it wasnt for book, i actually read some educational or informative blogs last time. But nowww, i dont even read the fb newsfeed.(not that those are informative pon but who knows what those feeds have impacted our brain)
Atlis we learn some english or something, i think.
When a friend ask, i said i only read, that mustve count for something right?
Ahhh even 9gags pon i dont regular nowadays:(
So bad.

My feet hurts.
Lenguh doh. I hope i can reach the 'tolong, tolong' place in time.

I spent my nights at sgl0ng past 16days due to works at cyberjaya. So i dont have to cross this ldp jam like today.
Adoiiii penattttt.

Oklah dah la. Penat.

Sent from my iPhone

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