oklah serious sikit.
harini aku terdapat satu mood nak citer pasal hantu.
dimalam yg sepi pi pi. pakmat jual topi pi pi..
topi nya koyak yak yak..
(hehe, as usual lari topik dulu.)
aku pernah cerita psl rumah dikubur tak? (if u r not a fren, u donno what kubur is to me)
yalah, rumah xyz tuh.
i think it started as early as 'paranormal activity' the movie years. the first one.
around 2009 kot.
all of us cant sleep after watching that movie that nite.
ditambah2 dgn one of my fren told us that everything happened in that movie is real.
dia sebagai seorg yg selalu histeria dizaman mudanya, memberitahu yg dia sering mendapat those exact sympton as what have been potraited in that movie.
bertambah2lah kami ni semuanya takot nak tido pada malam tersebut.
rase ade org tengok lah, ade org berdiri sebelah lah, rase dekat sgt dia bediri tu. meremang2 bulu roma bulu ketiak bulu kaki bulu ari2. huhu.
and that thing has been living largely in the house since then. at least i think so.
especially when xyz wasnt around his house. bertambah lah kuat jaringan mereka ya.
i've always discussed it with mama, that, i cant sleep.
sometimes, its my turn, sometimes its her turn.
'sikawan' tuh pilih2 siapa dia nak kacau on each nite we were around that house.
*(dont ask me when we werent around, how xyz had been sleeping alone, ask yourself (ditujukan kpd stalker yg saiko)).
the sisters didnt believe me at first.
so during their trip to the house early this year, 'sikawan' telah menyambut mereka dgn bahagianya.
on their first nite, 'sikawan' telah mengusap2 kepala one of the sister.
that was the nite when i can sleep very blissfully.
toldya, kalo aku boleh tido nyenyak, maknanya dia kacau org lain.
the sister esoknya mmg terus mengumandangkan ayat2 alquran nonstop 24jam. hahaha.
tulah tak percayakan ku lagi..
and recently, when me & sikakak were back from ireland and spend nites at that house,
i cant sleep because of the jetlag. so i spend nites infront of the tv.
one nite while doing some work on the laptop, the tv was suddenly went off.
tiada sebarang gencatan elektrik mahupon power trip happening ya.
both tv & astro remotes are sitting calmly on the sofa, facing upwards.
and im alone at the living room, sikakak & xyz were both in their own rooms, sleeping.
meremanggggg kauuuu! (sambil nangis dlm hati)
slowly, i turn on yassin recitation on my laptop. and then i felt calm.
the nextday, when we went out shopping (around 5pm that time), i turn on the same yassin recitation on my laptop and made sure it was looping (replay song).
when we were home back from the shopping (around 9ish pm), the yassin recitation went off with some weird buzzing sound.. my laptop went into blue screen.
pelik tak?????????????????
the mp3 was inside my laptop, so, why? what is really happening when we werent home?
before before this i always left my laptop looping songs, ok je, takde masalah pon nya.
ckckckckckkckckck (bunyi misteri nusantara)
one nite, while me laying lazily playing with my phone in the room, suddenly i heard a weird 'mengorok' sound from the room. (mcm bunyi org dengkur tuh).
meremang toksah cakaplah.
aku terus menggeletar sambil cari button nak kuatkan ruqyahsyariah on my phone.
sambil mulut dah terkumat kamit beristighfar.
then silent, then the sound come out again.
now, i am ready to bersila, still mulut tekumat kamit beristighfar (tatau kenapa x tersebut ayat qursi mase tu dah meremang sgt dah kot)..
that was when i saw xyz at the door. membuat that sound.
jilakaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa sgt.
aku terus kejar dgn parang!
so recently, during their family trip to that house, there were atleast 9people in the house that time, all those 'sikawan&kawan2' went idle.
'sikawan' takot tgk anak2 sedare xyz, katanyer. hahaha.
but when they all went back, lastweek, xyz had to sleep alone again.
one morning he whatsapp us with the news.
'i cant sleep lastnite. bunyi mcm ada org diblik, mcm bunyi isap vape.'
(bunyi isap vape tu mcm lebih kurang bunyi mengorok kasta rendah).
satu malam dia taboleh tido oh..
ahahahahahhahhahaha, walopon i know how he felt, tapi aku tetap nak gelakkan.
tulah, sape suruh mengolok 'sikawan'.
currently listening to:coldplay - fix you
currently feeling:happy
i wanna be:supermodel
there are songs that make us want to dance, songs that make us want to sing along, but the best songs are the ones that bring you back to the moment you first heard them, and once again break your heart.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
++the one who havent been to the studio for years!
auwww, x sangke ade org still bace blog hampeh nih.
aku busy sgt (yeke?) (tahape yg busynye tah,)..
yg pastinye skrg musim worldcup (not like i watch/ed every game pon)
dan tiap malam aku re-run game of thrones.
ya betul tu, from season 1 episode 1. (walopon dah abis tgk sampai latest season). best dow game of thrones itu..
the funny thing is, kekdg aku sendiri tekejot dgn sesetengah scene,
sbb serious wah dah lupa ade scene ni. wahhhhhhhhhhh.
wah yg sgt terlopong nya lah.
and last weekend, yeah i love last weekend!!!
setelah sekian lama x ikot gi jamming, we went to ay1e's new studio at SK.
both saturday & sunday's nite.
i love it! rindu giler kot.
one of the band members always bring his son to the session, sgt cute, he is good at hopping during muse's drum beats. besnye kalo ade anak sendiri (tetibe kan).
random gila.
during one of the session, before our turn to use the studio, we lepak2 at the stage beside the jamming room, and there went some s07&peterpan's session.
meleleh ayormate akak deknon.
the good old songs.
this one, in particular.
*ps: i didnt play/sing. anything. just being a regular groupie.
currently listening to:ellie goulding - your song
currently feeling:loved~
i wanna be:a supermodel
aku busy sgt (yeke?) (tahape yg busynye tah,)..
yg pastinye skrg musim worldcup (not like i watch/ed every game pon)
dan tiap malam aku re-run game of thrones.
ya betul tu, from season 1 episode 1. (walopon dah abis tgk sampai latest season). best dow game of thrones itu..
the funny thing is, kekdg aku sendiri tekejot dgn sesetengah scene,
sbb serious wah dah lupa ade scene ni. wahhhhhhhhhhh.
wah yg sgt terlopong nya lah.
and last weekend, yeah i love last weekend!!!
setelah sekian lama x ikot gi jamming, we went to ay1e's new studio at SK.
both saturday & sunday's nite.
i love it! rindu giler kot.
one of the band members always bring his son to the session, sgt cute, he is good at hopping during muse's drum beats. besnye kalo ade anak sendiri (tetibe kan).
random gila.
during one of the session, before our turn to use the studio, we lepak2 at the stage beside the jamming room, and there went some s07&peterpan's session.
meleleh ayormate akak deknon.
the good old songs.
this one, in particular.
*ps: i didnt play/sing. anything. just being a regular groupie.
currently listening to:ellie goulding - your song
currently feeling:loved~
i wanna be:a supermodel
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
musim worldcup adalah musim yg paling mengantok!!!! (walopon aku tetido halfway mase 2nd half malam tadi)
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
cerpen diatas saye tujukan kpd semua lelaki2 lidah bercabang didunia ini huhuhu...
jgn cerca.
dulu, sebelom aku kenal erti cinta, kasih & sayang, aku pon mcm kalian.
aku bangga aku kuat.
aku kutuk dan keji perempuan2 lemah tertipu dan terlalu mengagung2 kan lelakinya.
tapi, aku dpt sendiri. karma katanya.
lelaki mulut manis mematahkan tulang.
rase mcm dilambung2 angan2.
balik malaysia disambut oleh dia dgn bunga sejambak ditangannya, di airport, siapa tak happy woi!
bukan cinta sorok2 yg pengirimnya "rahsia"..
aku hanyut.
mcm mereka.
tertipu dan dipersenda.
lemah. luruh.
satu pengajaran yg aku terima, jgn naive sgt.
kenapa ketuk kalau taknak masuk?
aku pernah, tp aku jeling2 sahaja pintu itu.
once i get to know that the person inside doesnt sync, aku lari cepat2.
biar dia x terganggu tidurnya.
itupon dia masih mengharap.. aku lari lagi. tidak langsung aku berikan harapan utk menjengah kerumahnya lagi.
inikan pula dah sampai tahap ketuk.
aku pandang2 dan nasihat halus2 kawan aku yg satu tu, aku harap dia baca.
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
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++Bicara Rindu
ahaha lagu ni! lagu zaman sekolah itu..
Bicara saat ini aku merindu
Seraut wajahmu... oh! sayang ku
Ternyata hanya dulu indah bicara
Dan gurau tawamu di hatiku
Walau seiring sekata
Namun terpisah haluan berbeza antara kita
Kini aku sendiri sendiri lagi
Mengapa ku disiksa sebegini
Kau bagiku penawar duka
Bila ku berduka kau senantiasa
Bersamaku setiap waktu
Kasih ku kau pergi jauh dari sisi
Ku kehilangan mu tanpa ku sedari
Aku kini sebagai teman biasa
Namun ku doakan kebahagian dirimu
Biar apa terjadi namun aku sendiri
Mengapa ku disiksa sebegini
Seraut wajahmu... oh! sayang ku
Ternyata hanya dulu indah bicara
Dan gurau tawamu di hatiku
Walau seiring sekata
Namun terpisah haluan berbeza antara kita
Kini aku sendiri sendiri lagi
Mengapa ku disiksa sebegini
Kau bagiku penawar duka
Bila ku berduka kau senantiasa
Bersamaku setiap waktu
Kasih ku kau pergi jauh dari sisi
Ku kehilangan mu tanpa ku sedari
Aku kini sebagai teman biasa
Namun ku doakan kebahagian dirimu
Biar apa terjadi namun aku sendiri
Mengapa ku disiksa sebegini
Monday, June 2, 2014
++The one who is very mengantuk...
halo girlsssssssss
harini ai super mengantuk
bukan! semalam ai x tido lambat, tp sebab semalam ai dah bangun dari kol 6pagi!
(malam sebelom nya tido agak lambat dan byk kali terjaga sbb yaknow lah kan)
walopon x physically bangun, tp, diorg dah start bangun at 6am, kelentang kelentung kelentang krap krap krap krup bunyi pintu lah bnyi toilet lah bnyi itu dan bunyi ini.
aku mmg tido x tido je dari 6 pagi sampai 830 pagi tu dan akhirnya bangun dan mandi dan kami jalan dari pagi sampai ke malam. x penat pon mase jalan tu, tp, skrg sgt mengantukkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk......
sekian sahaja cerita utk hari ini. hehehe.
harini ai super mengantuk
bukan! semalam ai x tido lambat, tp sebab semalam ai dah bangun dari kol 6pagi!
(malam sebelom nya tido agak lambat dan byk kali terjaga sbb yaknow lah kan)
walopon x physically bangun, tp, diorg dah start bangun at 6am, kelentang kelentung kelentang krap krap krap krup bunyi pintu lah bnyi toilet lah bnyi itu dan bunyi ini.
aku mmg tido x tido je dari 6 pagi sampai 830 pagi tu dan akhirnya bangun dan mandi dan kami jalan dari pagi sampai ke malam. x penat pon mase jalan tu, tp, skrg sgt mengantukkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk......
sekian sahaja cerita utk hari ini. hehehe.
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