Wednesday, August 11, 2010

++the one with the old movies run on in my mind

i was watching back all the old videos, especially the ones that got us all involved in it.
the ones uploaded by others.
the ones that literally* displayed the good old happy+happening us.

these are the times when it occur to me what if i had to cut all these relationship/s?
the relationship between me and his friends. and our friends. the kind that i made thru him. or together with him.

i mean, when we were both finally moved on, i mean me, when i finally moved on,
where should i put them friends of ours? can i still be friend with them?
should i keep? should i cut?
should i skip those gathering invitations? especially the ones that got both of us invited? should i just go and acted dumb?
i've been to some of it before this, awkward gile!!!
takkan nak putus kawan because of our breakup kot?

damn to the decision-making!

*ive been abusing the word literally nowadays, didnt i?
currently listening to:isabella by rubiksarmies-crew
currently feeling::(
i wanna be:a total mover!!!


Taqiyuddin said...

you should never cut it. you will eventually need the relationships back when the time comes for you to exact your revenge on him. keep his friends close, keep his enemy closer and keep his frenemy closest!


videLcute said...

taqi: revenge is not my middle name:p

Pojan said...

my 2 cents:

If you're over him, sure you can stay friends with all those people because nothing they say about him will make you feel too much, be it sad, happy or painful. Mereka pun tidak perlu utk men'tiptoe' around you in fear that whatever they say may hurt your feelings.

But if you're still not over him, maybe you have to downgrade those people to just acquaintances and get involved with a new set of friends.

videLcute said...

pojan: i am not over him now, but mestila i can get over him later later maybe after 6 months maybe after year, years, decades? so, should i make the decision now? tolonglah saya kak siti wan kembang (mcm alala ruangan mengadu masalah dlm URTV)