Monday, December 1, 2008

++277 the one with annual dinner

i went to the office annual dinner last saturday, nak sgttt lah dpt the lucky draws [what else shud be the very good reason/s to go to any annual dinners, beside the free foods kan.]
and as usual, salu polang tgn kosong. bencilah.
mengapakah aku tidak ditakdirkan mengdapat ps3 ituhhhh T_T
and, ok this is so not me, but i din bring the digicam along, YES! my 'almost-bring-to-everywhere' digicam ituh. pelik kan. and, the thought of borrowing atuk's d80 timbul jugak, only to find out both his batteries went flat on that moment of before the dinner. menyesal tak check awal2 before that.
hehu. so, there i was, sebok pinjam camera kakzarina who happen to group us fella.
nasibaik je, tu pon i have yet to catch the photos from her, who, didnt come to work today! :( sedihnye.
agak2 takot pon ado jugak, perot terkuar sane sini, tu lah, sape soh buat theme 'retro'. serius buruk giler, i will upload the soonest. tapi ni nak pesan awal2, aku bogel. :-"
oh, and kaki ku kematu. sebab.. err.. sebab kematu lah kot. nasibaik x pakai high heels.. watch out the retro pictures later..

currently listening to:lifehouse - sick cycle carousel
currently feeling:mcm nak demam lah :(
i wanna be:a supermodel~

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