prison break season finale is awesome too!
hehehe, semua nak awesome je :D
seriously, i didnot see the ending coming. that way. eh actually, its an expected plot, but not that fast T_T
a bit frustrated with how they made it pretty much "nak cpt abiskan cerita".. but ho hoo best!
i dunwan to become a spoiler here, as people like atuk & suebengkeng ( aku rase ) blom tgk this final episode. so, no story here. dua2 mereka ialah bengkeng, takot takot..
"stay... please stay a little longer.." T_T
currently listening to:smashing pumpkins - ava adore
currently feeling: guilty, berbuka puasa at 10 freaking AM. x_x *menyorok* matilah sayah..
i wanna be:a supermodel
wooo dah finale ke? nampak sgt ai ketinggalan nie...hohoho! lama dah tak update series nie...uwaaaaaaa!!!! harus nonton nie...
aku pon akan bengkeng...heheh aku dah ala2 tau kot tgk nyza punye status fb harituh...tsk tsk
londz: yupp..dah lame dah.. ai pon baru tehegeh2 nak tgk tho dh dlod dah bapak lame nyer..
juz so u know, wiken ni ai free yeh kalo yuh nk dtg sedut2 apepe yg patot sebelom ai dilit :D
(atuk balik kg halaman)
owwek: nyza buat status kat fb?? lagi haruuu..apsal aku x terperasan status dia ek.. nasibaik.
tp, "that" ending mmg predicted pon kan, just that i dun expect that fast storyline.
sedey... apdal ko baru nak tulis kat blog sehh? dah ended malam isnin dah. aku pn dah buh status kat fb sejurus cite tu klua tulisan. frust gile with that ending. sbb konfem2 takdek season 5. tp so far, this is the best series ever.
sue: ye keeeeeeeeee... huhuuhuhuhuhuhuuuu sedih kannnn :(
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